Investors in People
Just in Time Advice and Support with your People Strategy
Navigating people challenges, instilling best practice, building a fit for purpose strategy, being an employer of choice…where does it end?
Navigating what’s best for the organisation and for your people is not always as clear as it should be. But repeatedly we see that organisations who look after their people are more likely to not only consistently enjoy better business results, they also weather challenges more effectively.
So, for the times when your people strategy is just not delivering, when your people feel less than engaged, for when you need to sense-check you are on the right track or simply need brainstorming and intelligent insights from people who have ‘been there’ and ‘done that’ then our Investors in People Employee Engagement and Wellbeing Support service is designed to help you when you need it most.
Your Advisory Support
Undertaken by your very own Investors in People Practitioner they’re here to help you navigate your challenges, gain clarity, and formulate a proactive plan of action with you. Highly skilled in designing solutions to make work better, you get all the support you need.
Using the Investors in People framework to discuss best practice in high-performance organisations, you’ll discover critical elements of employee engagement and wellbeing that make a difference to how an organisation functions.
They’ll share with you ways in which employee engagement and wellbeing directly impact such things as:
- Turnover
- Customer loyalty
- Profits
- Absenteeism
- Sickness and Accidents
- Citizenship
Having an engaged team and organisation makes a big difference!
What does your Investors in People Advisory Support look like…
You get to decide that based on the kind of help you need…
Whether that’s help developing and writing your strategy, troubleshooting, or testing fitness for purpose.
You’ll spend some time with your Practitioner getting clarity on the core issue(s), part of this might involve engaging with your broader teams. It could involve creating a working party and supportive coaching, mentoring or other developmental work. You get to pick the best routes for you, whilst being fully supported by an Investors in People Practitioner and extended network
Videos on Investors in People
Book a Discovery Meeting
(44) 1442 210728
available from 8:00 – 17:00
Address: Unit 2-4 Eastman Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 7DU